Vital Role of Internet Communications Techology(ICT)
This is the 3rd element. It's also how we go global.
This is part of our session for the online day at Global Donut Days 2024. Please register here or to view recordings of any of the sessions.
These pages will remain online so we can continue the discussion in the comments.
The Internet is another vital part of our toolkit.
It supports and reflects our network and our local actions.
We meet on Zoom, and talk on Substack. Substack is our shared space where we record our activities and plans as a website with in-built email newsletter for members and open to the public.
Substack is a new distributed model for social media where creators own their content and subscribers. There is no advertising and associated profiling of readers, but that’s another story.
We also use some social media like LinkedIn and Facebook to create more signposts to our group.
Instead of producing everything ourselves, we can link off to resources like government reports, the DEAL website,
resources, and other local sites.The internet is also what allows us to add global connections. For anyone interested in Doughnut Economics, The DEAL website is a key part of that.
Remember Min’s story about how Regen Brisbane and Y-Donut connected. The red lines on this slide show the connecting triangle.
That was only possible because we had the signposts on the DEAL site, and the Substack posts and email newsletter that she could follow and find out more about who we are and how we operate. The Regen Brisbane Substack is a bit like creating an open window into our working group rather than a big static billboard or report.
This aligns with Strategic Doing:
Skill 3: Uncover hidden assets, and Skill 4: link and leverage assets.
If you think back to the Hierarchies and Networks diagram, Min and Gayle are boundary-spanners.